JugendBildungsmesse, April 29th 2023 in Berlin
The FDSV advises language students at the „JuBi – JugendBildungsmesse“ in Berlin on April 29th about language trips.
You can find more information here.
The youth education fair JuBi is Germany's…
JugendBildungsmesse, February 4th 2023 in Munich
The FDSV advises language students at the „JuBi – JugendBildungsmesse“ in Munich on February 4th about language trips.
You can find more information here.
The youth education fair JuBi is Germany's…
EXPOLINGUA Berlin 2020 online
On December 11, 2020, FDSV attended at the opening event of EXPOLINGUA:
In this video you will find all information about learning languages in times of Corona - experiences and perspectives.