FDSV launches new Student Protection Plan for international language students in Germany
The Association of German Language Schools and Language-Tour Operators is introducing a “Student Protection Plan” to give language students even more safety in their booking process.
The Student Protection Plan takes effect if a language school goes bankrupt and before language students are stranded in Germany. In this case, the language student will be taken over by another FDSV member school free of charge.
Above are the logos of the 17 supporting language schools.
You will find more information about the new FDSV Student Protection Plan here.
Orientation can be very easy. The Association of German Language Schools and Language Travel Tour Operators (FDSV) is an association of German language schools and language travel tour operators that stands for certified quality and helps students to find the right language course.
Take advantage of this seal of quality and book a language travel trip through a competent provider of quality education:
– Quick orientation with the language travel finder at www.fdsv.de
– Quality control by the FDSV independent advisory board
– Certification according to DIN EN 14804
– Objective advice, transparency and security (when booking)
– Language travel according to German travel law
– Practical tips on financial support, recognition of Bildungsurlaub
(paid educational leave) and many other aspects